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5 Knee Pain Symptoms You Shouldn’t Overlook

The knee joint includes bones, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and bursal sac. Hence, it is considered the most complex joint of the human body. All these parts should work together in a coordinated manner for various routine activities like walking, running, jumping, and bending.

The central part of the knee joint includes the thigh bone (femur), shinbone (tibia), and kneecap (patella). It is the connecting link between the shinbone and the thigh bone, where it helps many other body parts to work. The lubricant present in the bursa works as a cushioning agent between your knee bones to prevent the occurrence of any friction.

Any injury in this knee region causes pain. Knee pain either goes away on its own or aggravates. However, it would help if you never ignored several other symptoms along with the knee pain. Let us go through those five knee pain symptoms one by one:

5 Symptoms of common knee ailments

1. Consistent pain while walking or climbing stairs

Do you experience terrible pain in your knee while climbing stairs? The reason could be knee osteoarthritis. If you ignore this pain, it will aggravate more pain and discomfort. Additionally, your knee will degenerate since knee osteoarthritis is otherwise called a degenerative disease, causing stiffness and mobility issues.

Knee Osteoarthritis includes many other symptoms such as pain at night time that will wake you up from sleep, redness, swelling, stiffness, and warmth. These symptoms will take hours to wear off in the morning.

Knee pain symptoms encompass discomfort, swelling, stiffness, limited range of motion, popping or clicking sounds, muscle weakness, and a sense of knee instability

2. Something moving inside

Do you feel something is moving inside your knee joint? The knee joint should move. However, the things inside the knee joint should not move around. Sometimes, a piece of bone or cartilage might break or loosen and remain in and around the joint region. You feel that the foreign object remains in the knee joint, which does not prevent the joint from moving. At first, you may not experience any discomfort right away. However, it will eventually create a problem.

3. Noise in the knee

While cracking your knuckles, do you hear a popping sound? Are you wondering how this sound arises? It occurs due to the release of gas bubbles.
However, if there is knee pain or abnormal swelling, you will hear a popping, cracking, or snapping sound in the knee. Do not ignore this symptom. If you ignore it, you may experience permanent damage to your knee region.
If this popping sound is excruciating along with sharp pain, the reason could be an ACL Tear. In that case, you should consult the doctor right away.

4. Knee instability

The knee helps us to remain upright. If it becomes unstable, it will collapse, which shows that there are some severe issues in the knee joint.

5. Swelling in the knee

If the swelling in your knee is very mild, you generally don’t have to worry. However, if this swelling is extreme and sudden, it may be a tear in your knee joint. So, never ignore the swelling symptom.

How should you handle your knee injury?

While playing sports or performing some activities, your knee may get injured. You may experience symptoms like knee pain and swelling of the knee joint right away.

Whatever might be the symptoms, it is always better not to ignore them. Please consult an orthopaedic doctor and let them check your knee condition. The problem might be minor or major—the earlier the diagnosis, the better the treatment.

If there is a tear in your meniscus, ACL, LCL, or MCL, you may require appropriate treatment. In that case, determining the cause of the condition as soon as possible might prevent the need to take invasive steps in the later stage.

What are the major causes of knee pain that require urgent medical attention?

The common causes of knee pain symptoms may include the following:



  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Septic arthritis
  • Gout
  • Pseudogout

Mechanical issues

  • Iliotibial band syndrome
  • Knee dislocation
  • Loose body
  • Hip and foot pain

Other issues may include patellofemoral pain syndrome that arises between your kneecap and the underlying thighbone.

What are the risk factors that may aggravate the symptoms of knee pain?

Certain risk factors such as being overweight, past knee injuries, lack of muscle strength and flexibility, and certain sports like basketball and skiing can aggravate your knee pain and the associated symptoms.

The Final Takeaway

It is always better to consult a doctor right away and understand the reason for joint pain and other associated symptoms listed above. If the condition proves severe after diagnosis, it is always better to treat it right away.

Are you looking for a one-stop solution for Knee Pain Treatment that resolves pain and other symptoms faster and without any adverse complications? Opt for regenerative treatment.

Regenerative medicine is a revolutionary treatment that aims at treating the underlying cause of the condition instead of just masking the symptoms. Furthermore, this treatment involves your body cells. Hence, there isn’t any risk of allergy or rejection. This non-surgical treatment includes Stem Cell TherapyGoldic Treatment, and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy).

If you want to get rid of symptoms for a prolonged duration, reach out to our medical team. And schedule an appointment at the respective medical clinic. During the consultation, our medical experts will determine the cause of the knee pain and let you know whether you are eligible to undergo regenerative joint pain treatment.

So, before proceeding with surgery or other conservative methods like physical therapy, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, and steroid therapy, do not miss out on your consultation with experts in regenerative medicine.


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