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Regenerative Therapy for Osteoarthritis

What is Osteoarthritis?

Five million people in the UK are said to live with Osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative arthritis or degenerative joint disease. Osteoarthritis is a group of mechanical abnormalities involving degradation of joints, including damage to the tissue between bones known as articular cartilage and subchondral bone.

What are the Osteoarthritis symptoms?

Symptoms may include joint pain, tenderness, stiffness, locking, and sometimes an effusion. When bone surfaces become less well protected by cartilage, bone may be exposed and damaged. As a result of decreased movement secondary to pain, regional muscles may atrophy, and ligaments may become more lax. While Osteoarthritis is very common in middle-aged and older people, up to two thirds of people suffering from osteoarthritis are of working age. And its symptoms can range from very mild to very severe. The disorder most often affects hands and weight-bearing joints such as knees, hips, feet and shoulders, but can affect almost any joint in the body.

How Regenerative Therapy can be used to treat patients with Osteoarthritis?

The majority of complications in Osteoarthritis patients are related to the deterioration of cartilage that cushions the ends of bones in your joints. Cartilage is a firm, slippery tissue that permits nearly frictionless joint motion. In Osteoarthritis, this surface become rough. Eventually, if the cartilage wears down completely, patients will be left with bone rubbing on bone.

Regenerative Treatments provided by Medica Stem Cells is designed to target these areas within the joints to help with the growth of new cartilage cells. Regenerative cells are multi-potent and have the ability to differentiate into cartilage cells (Chondrocytes).

How it works?

It works like this: Cells are extracted from a patient with a needle—usually from bone marrow within the hip—and placed into a centrifuge to produce a rich concentrate. Those cells are then injected back into the patient’s damaged joint to help kick-start healing. Regenerative therapy induces the production of natural anti-inflammatories which can assist with Osteoarthritis pain and swelling in the joint area.

The procedure is performed in an outpatient setting and only takes a few hours. No general anaesthesia is required and most patients don’t need post-operative pain medication. Also, patients typically return to work within a week or two and they resume physical activity much faster than after invasive surgery. Extracting the cells directly from patients reduces the risk of rejection; many report feeling marked improvement in their joint within one to three months.

What results can be achieved with Regenerative therapy in Osteoarthritis treatment?

Results that can be achieved with Regenerative therapy in Osteoarthritis treatment are:

  • Pain and stiffness reduction
  • Improved flexibility
  • Improved mobility
  • Cartilage regrowth
  • Muscular strengthening
  • Reduced inflammation levels
  • Reduced medication requirement

These potential results are very individual and will vary from one patient to another.

Am I a candidate for Regenerative therapy at Medica Stem Cells?

In order to determine if you are a good candidate for Regenerative Treatment, you will need to schedule appointment with our Clinic to have assessment done by our Consultant. The Consultant will review your medical records and determine if you are a qualified candidate for this type of therapy. The exact choice of treatment is then at the discretion of the Consultant and is based on your unique case. In certain cases, it may be a combination of more than one treatment protocol. For some patients the complete protocol is a series of injections in several treatment sessions. The final outcome of the treatment and extent of improvement varies from one patient to another depending on type and severity of the injury, age, lifestyle,  comorbidities and other factors.

Are there any known risks to the Regenerative therapy?

The treatment is based on extracting orthobiologic material from the patient,  so there is no risk of rejection. And as the cells originate within your own body, there is no risk of spreading disease from or to another person. Like any procedure, there is a slight risk of infection at the injection site. To minimise that risk, the procedure is carried out under strict sterile conditions. Regenerative treatment is also a safer procedure as opposed to hip or knee replacement because there is no requirement for general anaesthesia.

What can I expect after Regenerative Therapy for Osteoarthritis?

The first day after the treatment, you might experience mild discomfort at injection site which should not be restrictive. Mild pain in the treatment area may persist for a day or two. This can be alleviated by rest and if needed simple pain killers may be prescribed.

Improvement in one or two days is common, due to the strong anti-inflammatory effect of the growth factors associated with adult mesenchymal cells. The anti-inflammatory effect lasts from 2-3 months. From there, you can see continued gradual improvement as the adult stem cells help provide healing to the affected area.

All Medica Stem Cells treatments now include a full nutritionist package and physiotherapy support alongside Regenerative treatment for more advanced results. Personalised post-treatment care is a part of the package, including detailed post-treatment instruction manuals and also orthotic assessment if required in your case.

You will be asked during the period of follow up to keep an accurate record of your progress to compare to your starting point. Monthly reviews of your progress may extend up to 6 months following the procedure. Reviews can be by means of a clinic visits or alternatively for your ease by video / phone call.

What our patients are saying about Regenerative Therapy in Medica Stem Cells clinic?

“I was told I needed a knee replacement. And that I did not want to do, I wanted to avoid a knee replacement.
Simple everyday things like walking up and down the stairs and getting in and out of the car was a big struggle for me before I had my cell treatment. I had to watch what I was doing all the time, I am no longer conscious of that. Flexibility has improved, I can bend my knees now and I am back walking pain free. Last week I did a 7 and a half mile walk with my friend with total ease. And I walk 4 miles every day with my dogs. Before when I would take the dogs for a walk I would be dragging my leg and be in pain after the first half hour.
I did a Zumba class last week and I had absolutely no problems. I can also drive long distances now with no struggle at all. Before after a long distance drive I would be stiff and find it hard to walk and now I have my life back.  I’m back in the gym now again. And since I went back I have found my whole leg is much stronger.”
A. O’Connor

There are many more Medica Stem Cells patient testimonials on our website who have experienced significant improvements on their condition.

Does Regenerative Therapy work?

Orthobiologic Regenerative Therapy for Osteoarthritis is being studied for efficacy in improving the complications in patients through the use of their own cells. (Studies are widely published online (ex. on PubMed) and readily available for all to access.)  These procedures may help patients who don’t respond to typical drug treatment, want to reduce their reliance on medication, or are looking to try Regenerative therapy before starting drug treatment. Regenerative treatments are not suitable for all conditions and all patients. The consultant will be able to advise if you are a qualified candidate. The final outcome of the treatment and extent of improvement varies from one patient to another depending on type and severity of the condition, lyfestyle, age, comorbilities and other factors.


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