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Hip Bursitis Treatment

Have you been treating your hip pain with NSAIDs and steroids for a long time?

You might have got only short-term relief with recurrent flare-ups. Continuous use of cortisone steroid injections can increase the rate of degeneration and cause even lethal complications. Moreover, worsening of symptoms, reduction of native healing stem cells in joints, and tendon ruptures have also been reported . Why not opt for therapies that help you to regenerate rather than degenerating the hip joint area?

What is hip bursitis?

Bursae is a small fluid-filled sac that cushion and lubricate the bones, tendons, and muscles around your joints to help in smooth movement with reduced friction. Hip bursae are located between the hip bone and glutei muscle attachments. Hip bursitis is defined as the inflammation of the bursa that affects the hip joint due to its repetitive overuse. Hence, the hip movement becomes restricted and painful.

Hip bursitis causes

Hip bursitis can be caused by incorrect posture, muscle weakness, direct hip injury, bone spurs in the hip, uneven leg lengths, irritation due to rubbing of hip muscles/tendons with bursa, spine problems like scoliosis, diseases including gout, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, thyroid disorder, etc., and hip replacement/surgery.

A sharp pain followed by a dull aching pain is the primary hip bursitis symptom which will slowly migrate to other regions such as buttock, thigh and legs. You will feel hip pain while performing the following activities:

  • Walking or running
  • Climbing stairs
  • Lifting the leg up to the side
  • Sitting for a prolonged time
  • Sitting with crossed legs
  • Getting up from sitting posture
  • Lying on the affected hip

Other hip bursitis symptoms include swelling, tenderness, warmth around the affected area, and the intermittent redness of the skin around inflamed bursae.

People visit the clinic for hip bursitis treatment. But do they really have bursitis? Bursitis causes intolerable pain, where it is impossible to touch the skin over the inflamed hip area. But if the affected part can be palpated by putting extra pressure, the patient may not have bursitis. At times, tendonitis (inflammation of tendons) and tendinopathy (degenerated tendon) are often misdiagnosed as bursitis. A research study revealed that patients with trochanteric pain often had bursitis. Similarly, most of the patients with bursitis had tendinopathy [3].

Hence it is mandatory to check whether the diagnosis is right or wrong.

  • Initial treatment of patients with hip bursitis may include rest, activity modification, and physical therapy.
  • Walking sticks or crutches were used to help in mobility. A physical therapist may recommend hip-strengthening exercises to improve flexibility.
  • Ice pack application for 3-4 times per day can also help reduce the swelling, inflammation, and pain.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medications function as a painkiller.
  • Injection of one or two doses of corticosteroids with an interval of 4-6 months can reduce pain and inflammation. But still, many patients continue to have pain and functional limitations. In a research study, 33% of patients required two corticosteroid injections to improve the symptoms, while some had even five injections [4].
  • Hip bursitis surgery options include hip arthroscopy, where the bursa is removed through an incision in the hip region. Though surgery is an option, it is recommended only when there is no improvement with non-surgical treatments.

Thanks to non-surgical regenerative orthopaedic options, including cellular treatments and PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy, we now can repair the affected soft tissue, resolve the associated pain, and regenerate your hip by providing long-term relief. Regenerative treatment is a minimally invasive procedure with minimal downtime and minimal recovery time.

Regenerative cellular therapies for hip bursitis use cells from your own body to stimulate the regenerative ability and accelerate the healing process effectively. In  PRP therapy, platelets collected from your body release growth factors that stimulate the healing of the affected part. The hip bursitis recovery time will be between 4-12 weeks after the treatment. But the patients could see the improvement in 1-2 weeks. The follow-up appointment will be scheduled after 8-12 weeks to evaluate the recovery process. In the meantime, the patient should avoid consuming anti-inflammatory drugs and doing strenuous activities.

An AAOS research study titled, ‘Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) More Effective than Cortisone for Severe Chronic Hip Bursitis’ revealed that PRP injections are significantly more effective and durable than cortisone injections for treating severe chronic hip bursitis [5]. Another research study showed significant improvement during the first three months after PRP injections. PRP therapy has beneficial and long-lasting effects in bursitis treatment [6].

So, do not let your hip pain restrict your movements. Lead a pain-free life by opting for Regenerative medicine – The best hip bursitis treatment in UK & Ireland

If you feel you may benefit from regenerative therapies, you can contact us at our London clinic on 020 8 168 2000 or our Ireland clinic on 01 298 8000 to book a consultation or request a call back today!


  1. Hofmeister E, Engelhardt S. Necrotizing fasciitis as a complication of injection into greater trochanteric bursa. Am J Orthop. 2001;30(5):426–427
  2. Michele Abate, Vincenzo Salini, Cosima Schiavone & Isabel Andia (2017) Clinical benefits and drawbacks of local corticosteroids injections in tendinopathies, Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 16:3, 341-349, DOI: 1080/14740338.2017.1276561
  3. Kong A, Van der Vliet A, Zadow S. MRI and US of gluteal tendinopathy in greater trochanteric pain syndrome. European Radiology. 2007;17(7): 1772-1783.
  4. Lustenberger DP, Ng, YV, Best TM, Ellis TJ. Efficacy of Treatment of Trochanteric Bursitis: A Systematic Review. Clin J Sports Med. 2011 Sept: 21(5): 447-453.

Goel K,Riley LP. Enhanced Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)treatment more effective than cortisone for severe hip bursitis. American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. (2014, March

  1. Mohammed Ali, Eshan Oderuth, Ismael Atchia, Ajay Malviya, The use of platelet-rich plasma in the treatment of greater trochanteric pain syndrome: a systematic literature review, Journal of Hip Preservation Surgery, Volume 5, Issue 3, August 2018, Pages 209–219
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