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Have you ever been injured while playing on the ground? If so, your entire team could fall apart. You may even skip the rest of the season if you opt for surgery followed by a long rehabilitation period. Is there any better option to avoid conventional treatment and come back to play quickly? In many cases, yes, there is. Regenerative therapy can heal your sports injuries naturally and faster than conventional treatments.


The term “sports injury” includes injuries frequently occurring while playing sports like football, hurling, soccer, rugby, golf, athletics, equestrian, tennis, cricket, boxing, cycling and others. Even factory workers experience tennis elbow, painters sustain shoulder injuries, and gardeners can get tendinitis despite not engaging in traditional sports. Additionally, gym-goers, fitness trainers, and personal trainers who perform regular workouts are also prone to sports injuries.

In essence, “sports injuries” pertains to incidents occurring in individuals with an active lifestyle. These injuries can appear as acute, occurring suddenly, or chronic, developing gradually over time.


Sports injuries can affect anyone, but several factors can heighten the risk of sustaining such injuries:

  • Incorrect exercise techniques
  • Overtraining, whether it’s due to excessive frequency, duration or intensity of training
  • A sudden and quick change in the workout intensity
  • Engaging in the same sport year-round
  • Running or jumping on unforgiving surfaces
  • Wearing inadequately supportive shoes
  • Lack of proper sports equipment
  • Previous injury history
  • Specific anatomical features or poor flexibility in certain joints
  • Taking medications like fluoroquinolones, associated with tendinitis and tendon rupture

The vulnerability to a particular type of injury depends on factors such as the nature of the activity, age, and gender.


Among various sports injuries, strains and sprains are the most prevalent. A sprain occurs when ligaments undergo twisting, stretching, or tearing, while a strain arises from the stretching or tearing of muscle fibres.

  • Chronic pain associated with the dislocation of the joint
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Shoulder Injuries: Rotator cuff injury, Impingement, Frozen shoulder
  • Elbow Injuries: Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis), Golfer’s elbow (medial epicondylitis), Pitcher’s Elbow (Ulnar collateral ligament injury)
  • Knee Injuries: Runner’s knee, pain relief for meniscal tear 
  • Leg Injuries: Groin pull, Hamstring strain
  • Ankle Injuries: Ankle sprain, Achilles tendinitis
  • Foot Injuries: Plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinosis


The indications of a sports injury vary based on the specific type of injury. Common symptoms include:

  • Aches, pain, or tenderness
  • Bruising
  • Deformity, such as a bone or joint appearing misaligned
  • Reduced range of motion
  • Grinding, popping, clicking, or cracking sound
  • Failure to tolerate load on the hip, leg, or foot
  • Warmth in the skin
  • Stiffness or weakness
  • Swelling
  • Restricted motion or locking up


Sports injuries occur due to varied factors, including:

  • Accidents, such as falls or collisions during physical activities,
  • Poor exercise habits, such as inadequate warm-up or insufficient stretching,
  • Absence of proper safety equipment or the use of damaged or improperly worn gear,
  • Ill-fitting or unsupportive footwear,
  • Abrupt initiation of an exercise program or a substantial increase in physical activity levels that the body is unaccustomed to.

To assess a sports injury, your doctor conducts a thorough physical examination and enquires your symptoms. 

Based on the nature and severity of the injury, additional imaging tests such as X-rays, CT scans, or MRIs might be suggested. These imaging techniques generate detailed pictures of internal structures, aiding your doctor in comprehending, diagnosing, and devising a tailored treatment plan for your injury.


Conventional sports injury treatment involves adhering to the PRICE principle (Protection, Rest, Ice therapy, Compression, Elevation), employing Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), and considering corticosteroid therapy [1].

Protection and rest are essential for fostering healing by minimizing additional stress or strain on the affected area. Ice therapy functions as a counterirritant, reducing bleeding and alleviating pain. Compression and Elevation are effective in managing swelling in the affected part.

While NSAIDs are beneficial in controlling pain and inflammation in the short term, their prolonged use can lead to significant side effects, particularly in the upper gastrointestinal tract. This may result in complications such as gastrointestinal perforation, abdominal pain, peptic ulcer disease, diarrhoea, stricture formation, and nausea/vomiting. Other potential side effects include renal insufficiency, hypertension, hyperkalaemia, and congestive heart failure [2].

Corticosteroid injections are employed for their anti-inflammatory effects in sports injury treatment. However, extended use may result in temporary deterioration of diabetes mellitus, anaphylaxis, cutaneous atrophy, facial flushing, and hyperglucocorticoidism [2]. While providing short-term benefits, steroid treatments have been associated with increased pain and diminished function over time, with a higher recurrence of symptoms after a year [1].

In cases where symptoms worsen over time and non-surgical methods prove ineffective, surgery (such as arthroscopy or affected part replacement) may be recommended by a physician. However, surgery is considered a last resort due to the prolonged rehabilitation period required to regain flexibility and strength. Surgical interventions may also contribute to degeneration, necessitating potential repeat surgeries in the future. Moreover, post-surgery, around 20% of patients may experience pain, in addition to the risks associated with anaesthesia and surgery itself.

This is where regenerative therapy becomes a viable sports injury treatment, offering the potential for permanent pain relief. The advent of regenerative therapy provides an opportunity to avoid surgery and its associated challenges, presenting a promising option for individuals seeking effective and lasting pain management.


Regenerative cell therapy stands out as a minimally invasive, non-surgical procedure that provides lasting relief from symptoms and facilitates a swift recovery with minimal downtime. By harnessing the body’s natural healing mechanisms, this therapy allows for pain relief and repair of signs of damage using the patient’s own blood or body cells. Notably, the procedure carries no risk of rejection or cross-transmission of diseases, as it involves the individual’s own cells.

Cell-based regenerative medicine, including mesenchymal cells, Enhanced PRP therapy, and stromal vascular fraction therapy, presents a safe and potentially effective avenue for treating sports-related musculoskeletal injuries. Another non-surgical method – Prolotherapy, has demonstrated its efficacy in pain reduction for various sports injuries such as plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendinosis, and groin pain [1].

In the context of bone marrow regenerative cell treatment, significant improvements in recovery have been observed for patients with ACL tears and rotator cuff tears. Mesenchymal cells have exhibited the capability to repair medial femoral condyle lesions in a Judo player, resulting in a noteworthy enhancement of symptoms and a successful return to athletic performance. Similar positive outcomes were reported for hip and knee osteoarthritis, manifesting as a better range of motion and reduced pain [1].

Enhanced PRP therapy plays a crucial role in healing strain injuries by promoting myogenesis, facilitating better progress, and enabling a quicker return to full function. Patients undergoing Enhanced PRP therapy for conditions like lateral epicondyle Achilles and patella tendon injuries reported perceived improvements in symptoms and increased satisfaction. Furthermore, Enhanced PRP treatment demonstrated significant improvements and symptom reduction in a short duration for sports injuries such as tennis elbow, ACL tears, meniscus tears, and rotator cuff tears [1].

With these advancements, slow healing is now a thing of the past. Bounce back swiftly and efficiently. There’s no better testament to success than an athlete swiftly returning to the game effortlessly.

Are you looking for the best sports injury treatment in Ireland or London? Have you been searching for the best clinic or doctor by doing a Google search for “Sports Injury Clinic Near Me” or “Sports Medicine Doctor Near Me”? 

Look no further. Call the Medica Stem Cells clinic in London on 020 8 168 2000 or Ireland on 01 298 8000 to schedule a consultation and have an assessment with an orthopaedic surgeon today or request a callback for more information.

Our team will carefully assess your situation to determine if regenerative therapy is a suitable option for you. Explore the potential advantages of Regenerative medicine.


  1. Malanga G, Nakamura R. The role of regenerative medicine in the treatment of sports injuries [published correction appears in Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2015 May;26(2):xix. Nakamurra, Reina [corrected to Nakamura, Reina]]. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2014;25(4):881-895. doi:10.1016/j.pmr.2014.06.007
  2. Brandt KD. Non selective NSAIDS in diagnosis and non-surgical management of osteoarthritis. 5th edition. West Islip (NY): Professional Communications Inc; 2010. 
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