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Myths And Facts About Arthritis & its Treatment

Commonly, most people will experience some kind of arthritis in their lifetime. Here you can find much information about arthritis, including its causes and treatments. Few of the statements on arthritis will bring clarity to your understanding of this common condition.

Fictions And Facts About Arthritis& its Treatments

  1. Only adults suffer from arthritis

Though arthritis is mainly an adult disease, some forms affect children. The most common type of arthritis in children is Juvenile arthritis. More than 250,000 children under 16 are estimated to be affected in the United States. Every year in Ireland, approximately 1 in 10,000 children is diagnosed with Juvenile arthritis, and about 15,000 young people and children are affected by arthritis in the UK.

  1. There is a cure for arthritis

There is no cure for this disease. But there are many arthritis treatments in the UK and Ireland to help manage pain and keep you active. Your doctor will recommend you change your activity level in the early stages of arthritis. Some of them are wearing a brace, weight loss, or over-the-counter pain relievers. As arthritis develops and symptoms deteriorate, a steroid injection or regenerative therapy may improve pain in your joints. In turn, it’ll allow you to continue with activities.

  1. Exercise will worsen arthritis

For patients with osteoarthritis, exercise is the most effective non-drug treatment for reducing joint pain and improving movement. Exercise is a key factor to relieve pain, improve energy, and strengthen muscles. It helps to support our joints better.

  1. All types of arthritis are the same

There are different types of arthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and Osteoarthritis (OA) are the most common ones. RA is an inflammatory autoimmune disease that affects joints and bones. OA commonly affects the joints in the hands, knees and hips.

People with RA can lose joint function due to inflammation of the synovial membrane. This membrane protects and lubricates joints. When inflamed, it is causing pain and swelling. People with RA can also have a fever and feel sick and tired. Joint damage can be prevented and slowed by treating RA early. This way, overall well-being and physical functioning can be improved.

The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis. It is the most frequent cause of disability among older people. With osteoarthritis, joint cartilage breaks down, causing bones to rub up against each other, leading to pain and stiffness.

Not everyone, who has arthritis, experiences the same symptoms nor finds relief from the same remedies. A person with arthritis is likely to either have OA or RA. Arthritis diet and lifestyle suggestions are specific to the type and severity of arthritis you may have. People with arthritis can possibly predict changes in weather due to joint pain.

  1. People with arthritis can possibly predict changes in weather due to joint pain

A study on people with OA in the knee, hip or hand examined whether weather changes impacted joint pain. It became clear; humidity in colder weather could increase joint pain. They also found that other changes in weather, such as precipitation, atmospheric pressure, temperature, and even wind speed, could impact joint pain.

People can predict specific weather changes due to joint pain. Hence, the only goal with arthritis is to manage joint pain and improve your quality of life. If this joint pain increases due to cold weather, take this as a chance to know better how arthritis disturbs you and how you should bring down your pain.


  1. The most common form of arthritis is osteoarthritis

People call it “wear and tear” arthritis. Osteoarthritis develops when the cushioning agent, named cartilage, that protects your bones’ ends steadily wears away. It results from overuse, trauma or a natural degeneration of the cartilage that occurs with ageing.

  1. Arthritis can develop after a traumatic injury

Post-traumatic arthritis occurs due to a joint injury in the cartilage that covers your joint surfaces. Extending a cracked bone into a joint will impair the smooth cartilage. When the joint moves, friction is caused as the surfaces become uneven. So, what happens over time? The joint breaks down and turn into arthritic.

  1. Joint pain can be relieved with the help of diet

Arthritis can’t be cured by diet. But certain foods will fight inflammation, strengthen bones, and boost the immune system. A healthy balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight can ease the stress on your joints.

The bottom line

Although the cause of arthritis is not clear, many natural therapies can alleviate pain, swelling and stiffness. If you need help, speak to our healthcare practitioners and get started with regenerative therapy. Medica Stem Cells Clinic also offers a combinational arthritis treatment in Ireland, including regenerative therapy with physical therapy. You will understand the significance of our combinational therapy when you find a significant improvement* in pain and inflammation within 6-8 weeks.

* Results of Regenerative therapy are individual and cannot be guaranteed due to many factors like lifestyle, age, comorbidities and other factors.


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